A Modern Linux Graphical Terminal Server

I’ve made many videos on Thin Clients before, all of them relying on Proxmox and the SPICE protocol. This works well when you control both the client and the hypervisor, and allows a lot of flexibility in the guest OS at the expense of flexibility at the client. If you want to rely on a remote access / Bring-Your-Own-Device type solution, you probably care more about solid multi-platform client support than flexibility in mixing VM OSes and running with no software installation on the VM.
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Choose a Thin Client Session Graphically

In previous posts, I’ve been building up a thin client / VDI infrastructure based on Proxmox hosted virtual machines, using the SPICE protocol. This has gone well. However, the current setup basically launches the computer into a purely thin client mode, where it’s hardcoded to a specific VM and can do nothing else. There has been some interest in making some kind of launcher to select VMs to log in to, and I decided to find a solution for this.
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USB Pass Through for the Raspberry Pi Thin Client

As promised in my previous blog post on the topic, the SPICE protocol is capable of USB redirection. I didn’t dive into it for that post, but now the future is here and I’ve added USB redirection to my Raspberry Pi thin client. I’ve tested it with USB flash drives, webcams, and pretty much all of the USB devices I could find. And I’m here to tell you how it all works.
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Can TrueNAS backup a Proxmox host using ZFS replication?

As part of my series exploring backup options, I’m exploring the options for pulling a backup of a Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) host to TrueNAS SCALE server. In this case, PVE host has local ZFS storage, and the TrueNAS system is acting as the backup server. Ideally, PVE would snapshot in ZFS and we could sync those snapshots with a TrueNAS Data Replication task, but PVE doesn’t use the ZFS snapshot features by default.
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Proxmox Clustering with 2 Nodes

I’m experimenting with Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE), the same hypervisor I run on my Minilab. It supports clustering and high availability, and I’d like to implement the cluster option. Clustering without HA allows multiple nodes to be managed from a single user interface, and for VMs to be offline migrated between nodes. This sounds pretty useful for me, even without the high availability features like live migration. However, any cluster relies on a node voting scheme which requires agreement (quorum) from all of the nodes, and the cluster won’t function without quorum being met.
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Backing Up TrueNAS Datasets to Proxmox Backup Server

As part of my series exploring backup options, I’d like to see if I can use Proxmox Backup Server to archive both datasets and zvols of a TrueNAS SCALE server. Why would you want to do this? In my case, I’m trying to choose the best starting point for my new backup server, and one potential option is to use Proxmox Backup Server (PBS), but I’d like to store data outside of the Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) ecosystem.
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My History of Storage, Preparing for a new Backup Server

I’m working on the next revision of my homelab backend. Currently I rely on an Ubuntu server with ZFS on Linux for file storage over Samba, and a separate Proxmox Virtualization Environment (PVE) server (the Minilab) with local LVM storage for virtualization. Ideally, I’d like to add a backup server to the mix, with its own storage, that can handle both the Proxmox server and Samba shares. However, the big choice ahead is what software to use for backups - TrueNAS (CORE or SCALE), or the newer Proxmox Backup Server (PBS)?
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Backing Up OPNsense to a Samba share using Node-Red

As I’ve posted about in other blogs, I use OPNsense as the firewall for my home network. It has an inbuilt method of backing up its configuration to the cloud, but I’d like to avoid that and back up locally. Unfortunately, there isn’t a plugin in the repository to have the firewall push a backup to a samba share, so I need to run code somewhere to pull the configuration from the firewall and store it on the storage server (where the backup policies will take care of it).
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Using a Raspberry Pi as a Thin Client for Proxmox VMs

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is quite a buzz-word now in enterprise computing, and it’s something I’d like to experiment more with in my homelab. Essentially, it’s a new way to describe old school terminal servers, but with modern features and marketing. The primary difference is that VDI normally implies that each ‘seat’ is a virtual machine and has some resources associated with it, as opposed to a terminal session running on a shared server.
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Logging Gateway Statistics from OPNsense to InfluxDB using Node-Red

I log data from my OPNsense firewall using Telegfaf, but there are some statistics in OPNsense which I’d like to keep track of which aren’t available to be pushed, but are accessible via The API. In particular, I want to keep track of the gateway statistics. Gateway stats come from continuously pinging the gateway, and are used to determine if a gateway is available for routing. Normally, gateway monitoring is used with multi-WAN setups to remove a gateway from a load-balancing group, or fail over to the next tier in a failover group (or both).
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