Terramaster NAS as low-cost Proxmox node? Teardown and SW Install!
I get asked a lot about what hardware I recommend for homelabs and home servers. It’s a very difficult question since it depends on what exactly you want to get out of your setup. But, whatever you choose, I’m starting a new series where I’ll setup all of the commonly requested home server software in a single box. Since I want to try this on both used and new hardware, here’s a low cost NAS you can buy brand-new and run your own software on it!
HDMI Distribution over your Home Network? Low-Cost HDMI Matrix using IP-Based Hardware
So, you want to send HDMI video around your house? Maybe you want to use your office computer on your living room TV without a proprietary streaming solution like AirPlay or Chromecast? Share a cable or satellite box between your living room and bedroom? Or you’re crazy like me and you want to put all of your computers into the basement, and connect to any of them from any desk in the house?
Proxmox NETWORKING: VLANs, Bridges, and Bonds!
I’m sure many of you follow me because you use Proxmox. It’s been a staple of my content for some time now. So, while working on the next episode of the Ceph series, I thought it would be good to do a separate segment on networking. So, here you have it. The basics of VLANs, Bridges, and Bonds in Proxmox VE. I’m only covering the native Linux versions, not Open VSwitch and VXLAN.
Net Booting the Proxmox VDI Client (feat. Alpine Linux)
This is a continuation of my previous article on the Net Booted Thin Client. The instructions got way too long, so I created a new article for the client setup. You need a functional server setup (TFTP, HTTP, iPXE) which I did in my previous post. I could use something like Linux Terminal Server Project, but that’s a bit overkill for this, and I wanted to learn Alpine anyway, so I’ve chosen to use Alpine Linux for the client operating system.
Not Every Project Works, And That’s Okay (Multiseat USB Dongles)
Sometimes, projects don’t work. Today, I’m going to describe a bit about a few of them. Thank you for coming to my ted talk lol.
I’ve been working on Linux Multiseat for awhile now, it’s a topic that has fascinated me for over a decade now. But, getting it to actually work with cheap hardware has eluded me. So, here’s a bit of an overview of what I’ve learned so far.
Hyper-Converged Cluster Megaproject
In this project, I explore using low cost thin clients as cluster nodes, the fundamentals of Proxmox clustering, redundant storage, and hyper-converged infrastructure using Proxmox and Ceph.
Setting up a Proxmox HA Cluster In the first video, I take the Dell Wyse 5060 I bought before and … bought 2 more. Once I had 3, I built a complete high availability cluster using them, demonstrating the very basics of Proxmox clustering, high availability resources, and how Proxmox handles failure.
Mikrotik SXT US with T-Mobile - LTE Backup for the Homelab?
I’ve wanted to play with multi-WAN routing setups for awhile. I thought about buying Starlink, but it’s a bit pricey as a purely backup solution, and I’m in a situation where my primary internet is very reliable for about the same price. So I settled for LTE backup. I looked around for awhile, trying to decide what the right solution is for me. I really wanted to pass through the IPv4 address and IPv6 prefix from the ISP through to my OPNsense router, since I don’t want to deal with triple-NAT and dual layer firewall.
Setting up a Netboot (PXE) Server for Alpine Linux
I’ve played with network booting before (and I even tried to netboot Windows, what a nightmare that was), but now I want to get serious about it. I want to netboot my VDI Clients. I’ve been working on a thin client series, and the next step is to get rid of the installation entirely. I could use something like Linux Terminal Server Project, but that’s a bit overkill for this, and I wanted to learn Alpine anyway, so I’ve chosen to use Alpine Linux for the client operating system.
Thin Client Megaproject
In this project, I explore thin client software, and set up a Raspberry Pi to act as a thin client. This is a multi-part project, follow along below for each sub-project.
Raspberry Pi SPICE Thin Client The first project in this series creates a Raspberry Pi Thin Client which is permanently bound to a specific VM in Proxmox, and boots directly into the thin client session. You would use this when you have a 1:1 relationship between clients and VMs, such as a computer lab.
PVE-VDIClient - A Python Graphical VDI Client for Proxmox
For my last trick, I setup a multi-user thin client where each user account was connected to a specific virtual machine. This is great, but if you have a lot of thin clients you might not want to create a ton of VMs and might instead want each user in the system to have one or more VMs. Well, Josh Patten has written a Python-based GUI to select thin clients which you have access to, and today we are going to turn that into an appliance on both a Raspberry Pi and an actual x86 based Thin Client (running Debian).