Home Automation

Home Automation has quickly become a buzz-word, but to me, it’s about the hobby of building and maintaining systems which actively improve my life through computer control. This goes beyond simple app remote control. For me, I’m particularly fond of motion-activated lighting, time of day based automation, and really anything else I can do to reduce mundane tasks and improve my quality of life.

Home Assistant Remote Radio

One of the challenges of running Home Assistant in a virtualized environment is the access to hardware radios. Home Assistant ultimately needs to bridge a ton of home automation networks, and most of these require some sort of USB / Serial dongle. You could have all of your dongles in your server closet and pass them through to the VM/container, but then you can’t migrate it across hosts. You could have one dongle for each host, I guess, but that doesn’t work for Z-wave where the entire network is stored on the dongle.
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Unleash your Home Cameras with FRIGATE Self-Hosted AI Video Recorder! Install on Proxmox LXC

Do you have security cameras at your house? Would you like to locally host all of your recording and analytics, to make sure nobody else has access to your video feeds and recordings? Would you also like to integrate with Home Assistant, the greatest open automation platform in the world? Then Frigate NVR is for you! In this video, I’m going to go in depth to setup Frigate in an LXC container, for maximum efficiency.
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Take Control of your Smarthome with Home Assistant! Installation Tutorial on Proxmox

If you’re building your first home server (or following my Ultimate Home Server series!), the first app I recommend playing with is Home Assistant. Taking control of your home automation with free and open-source software is an excellent way to get out of the cloud-based walled gardens, and self-hosting an app like this is a great way to learn about self-hosting in general without the pressure of hosting something like your firewall.
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Waveshare UPS Battery Backup for your Raspberry Pi! With Data Logging to MQTT

As some of you may know, I have a Raspberry Pi which handles all of the radios for Home Assistant. It runs ZwaveJS2MQTT (using the WebSockets connection to Home Assistant, not MQTT), Zigbee2MQTT (using MQTT), and RTL-433 (also using MQTT). So, it’s fairly critical infrastructure. Usually, with critical infrastructure, I try to get it PoE powered so I don’t have to worry about power bricks and can get battery backup via the CRS328 network switch in the basement (which is on a battery of its own).
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Sub-$100 Networked 433Mhz Receiver for Home Assistant

I previously wrote about my install of RTL-433 on a Raspberry Pi, running Raspberry Pi OS Buster. With the release of Bullseye, rtl-433 is now merged into the repository and doesn’t need to be compiled from source. So, I thought it would be a good time to revisit this project and make a video about it, this time using a cheap eBay thin client instead of a raspberry pi, and showcasing my setup a bit.
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Low-Cost Garage Door Automation with Home Assistant and Sonoff

Of all of the doors in a normal US McMansion, the garage doors are the biggest, and are almost always motorized. This means they are an easy target for automation, since most of the hardware is already there, we just need to bridge it to the virtual space. The cheapest way to do this is to use a door contact switch and dry contact relay which are compatible with Home Assistant, and some YAML magic to bridge them together.
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Selecting Policy Routes in OPNsense from Home Assistant

Policy-based routing has a lot of applications in a home lab or home network. It can be used to change the route taken based on the source or destination, and this can be used in multi-WAN or VPN applications to selectively choose traffic to send over one WAN or which traffic to route over a VPN. It can also be used to selectively drop traffic instead of routing it. Having the ability to change some of these routes from Home Assistant makes it possible to control some of these functions from the HA app or via automations.
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Holiday Lighting with Sonoff, Tasmota, and Home Assistant

Every year, the exterior holiday lighting gets reluctantly set up. It’s part of McMansion life, a requirement to appear as though you’ve made an attempt to decorate for the season. Between the colored optical projectors, to strings of lights haphazardly strung around the front porch, it all ends up needing to be plugged in and turned on/off. For years, the solution to this was a mechanical timer, with on and off markers which could be inserted around the ring to turn the timer on and off at the right time.
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Laundry Finished Notification

Often, when I’m focused on a task or project, I absolutely can’t think about anything else. This means that other tasks often get left unattended, possibly for hours. To reduce this, I’ve implemented a system in Home Assistant to notify me when either the washer or dryer are finished running. It’s a pretty simple automation, but it’s this kind of useful life-improvements that really make home automation worthwhile. The Hardware I have a gas dryer (not ideal, but I’ll get a heat pump in the next house) and normal electric washer.
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How Much Power does a 3D Printer Consume?

I have a Prusa i3 MK3S 3D printer, and I use it for many projects I post here. I want to know roughly how much power it consumes while printing, to get a feel for both the peak power consumption of the printer (to, say, size an off-grid power system) and energy consumed for an average print. I know the cost of filament is pretty low for most projects, but I don’t know the cost of energy (or wear on the printer).
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