This is my home page
Thank you for venturing into my corner of The Internet, to read my stories of engineering and technology, and explore the projects I’ve created and am in the process of creating. I primarily focus on home automation, homelab, and virtualization, but also enjoy building and making things. Feel free to browse the blog for regular updates, project pages for long term project descriptions, and my Youtube and Twitch channels for video content and casual relaxation. I hope you enjoy your journey along the way!
Camera Bracket for the CR-10 MAX
As I recently posted about, I got my CR-10 MAX working and did some basic upgrades to it. After that, it was printing pretty well, so I decided it needed a camera so I could start trusting it with longer unattended prints. I still don’t have power control of the printer, so I won’t let it run when I’m not home, but now I feel comfortable leaving the basement knowing I can check to see if it’s making a mess of itself.
Getting my CR-10 MAX Printing Again
I’ve had a Creality CR-10 MAX for about a year and a half at this point. I bought it on sale in early 2020 when I had big project ideas that wouldn’t fit on my workhorse Prusa i3 MK3S, so it’s fair to say I bought it for the large size for the price point and not the build quality or feature set. However, I’ve never really liked it, so now that the Prusa is working really well with Octoprint, the box, the cameras, and all of the other projects I’ve documented here, it’s time to move on to the CR-10 and get that one working well too.
Introducing StorageTags
As you might recall from my last blog post, I’ve been playing with workshop organization using fiducial markers to locate storage boxes. I’ve started to move past the proof of concept code phase into the slightly functional open-source project phase, and I created a repository and developed some working code. The project is just barely functional at this phase, but it has the ability to connect to cameras over RTSP, skip images to reduce the detection framerate, decode them using one of the AprilTag types, and publish the resulting detection data to MQTT.
Playing with Fiducial Markers and AprilTags
Recently, I have been organizing all of the parts and pieces of my partially finished projects so I can go back to projects more easily. This started as a simple goal - keep all of my work in boxes, keep the boxes labeled, and keep the boxes in a place where they are easy to get to. I have mountains of leftover parts I’ve accumulated over the years, and I really need a better solution.
Bitscope Server as a Raspberry Pi Systemd Service
Bitscope makes some low-cost USB logic analyers and low bandwidth oscilloscopes. Since I am a computer engineer and primarily work in the digital domain, this is adequate for a lot of my projects, and I’ve had a Bitscope Mini for a few years now. I think there are better options available on the market now that weren’t back when I bought it, but I’m sticking with the tools I already own.
Upgrading my Zigbee network with the zig-a-zig-ah! (zzh!)
I currently have a TI CC2531 based Controller for Zigbee2MQTT, and the performance is poor. Based on how much my Zigbee network is expanding with the really low cost of Zigbee hardware (despite my preference for Z-wave for reliability when it counts), I’m upgrading my Controller to the zzh! from electrolama. The new controller is based on the CC2652 and has a decent external antenna, and should hopefully improve my awful Zigbee reception and reliance on IKEA repeaters to get any signal at all.
WLED Lighting for my Desk
Today I finished working on new lighting for my closet office.
Last year I renovated my bedroom, to fit my computer desk better. I don’t need a massive closet and traditional American McMansions require a large closet space with plenty of wasted space in every single bedroom, so I decided to take the closet doors off to expand my bedroom and put my desk into the closet. After some network and power wiring work, I had a pretty comfortable expansion of my desk space and cleared the center of my room for VR gaming.
Laundry Finished Notification
Often, when I’m focused on a task or project, I absolutely can’t think about anything else. This means that other tasks often get left unattended, possibly for hours. To reduce this, I’ve implemented a system in Home Assistant to notify me when either the washer or dryer are finished running. It’s a pretty simple automation, but it’s this kind of useful life-improvements that really make home automation worthwhile.
The Hardware I have a gas dryer (not ideal, but I’ll get a heat pump in the next house) and normal electric washer.
My First YouTube Video! And NozzleCam Project
Today I just published a project I’ve been working on for awhile - my 3D printer nozzle camera - and it’s the first project I’ve made a corresponding video for! I built this nozzle camera mount to carefully watch the first layer of 3D prints, since most failures happen early on due to poor first layer adhesion or related issues. Keeping the camera out of the print volume while still getting a good view of the nozzle and print was challenging, but I ended up with a cool solution that I’m really proud of, and the view is fantastic.
Flexy Rex Kid-Friendly 3D Printing
Flexy Rex is a 3D print that’s been circling the internet for awhile. See below for the links to all of the variants that have been created over the years.
Anyway, I printed this is one of the test prints with my upcoming Nozzle Cam project. My cousin was visiting from out of state along with her young son, so I let him print a Flexy Rex, watch the printer (and the camera feed), and take it off the bed when it was done.